24 July 2023

Rhythm Swipe has Entered its Alpha Stage!

"Above all, video games are meant to be just one thing: fun. Fun for everyone" (Satoru Iwata).

Rhythm Swipe has officially entered the Alpha stage of its development!

This game was in v1.6.4. However, because there are so many features to be implemented and tested, it makes sense to enter its Alpha stage.

To make it less confusing, we are starting the numbering for the Alpha at v1.0.0! As a result, in the game, on the top left of the screen, you will see the phrase "Alpha v1.0.0". Happy Swiping!

24 July 2023

Welcome to the DevLogs!


This is our first Dev Log! What do we post you may ask?

We post our updates on the development of the game "Rhythm Swipe"! This game initially started as a duo final project for a CS elective course. Francis and John used Processing, which has the same syntax as Java, as well as using Arduino for the game controller. It then expanded throughout this summer with more people getting involved as Game Testers as well as other roles! Please check back to our DevLogs for more updates on the game!